Oct 23, 2012

Managing Conflicts In Projects - Part 1


Last week I attended a 2 days seminar on Managing Conflicts In Projects. It is very interesting since I’m currently handling a project and by attending this seminar I do realized that we are actually facing conflict without knowing that it is a conflict.

What Is Conflict?
In general, conflict is a disagreement through which the parties involved perceive a threat to their needs, interests or concerned.

Conflict always relates with two parties, it must be specific and conflict always about people. That’s why we actually never had a conflict with machines.
There a 2 types of conflicts; Constructive Conflict and Destructive Conflicts.

Constructive Conflict
It is good to have this kind of conflict. Constructive conflict can opens up communication, brings out new ideas as well as helping you to grow as a person.

Destructive Conflicts
In most cases, destructive conflict will bring no changes, it will destroy morale and will create irresponsible behaviour.

Why Does Conflict Occur?
Conflict might occur due to fear, different expectation, different knowledge, poor communication, misunderstanding, perceived oppression and stress.

Sources of Conflicts in Project
In most cases, personality, cost and technical opinion will be the less common sources of conflict but human resources, priorities and schedules will be the most common sources that create conflict in most projects.

For this time being, this is what I can update in my blog. There are actually lots of things that can be discussed in relating with conflicts in projects. Wait for my upcoming update and until then, thank you for reading.

I do appreciate your comments so then we can share our knowledge.

Oct 15, 2012

Lightning Protection System (LPS)

Lightning Protection System (LPS) There are four (4) Class of Lightning Protection System identified in BS EN 62305-1. The four levels of LPS are defined as per table below in relation with Lightning Protection Level (LPL).
The choice of what class of LPS shall be adopted is governed by the risk assessment calculation.