Jun 22, 2017

How To Eliminate Electrostatic Charge at Escalator

Have you ever experience the scenario as below:

You reach for your car’s door and experience an electric shock!

It is actually the release of electrical energy developed on your body by actions or movement prior to touching of that door. The charge may be generated by a simple action such as walking across a road. The electrical shock that is experienced occurs when the body loses its stored energy very rapidly in the form of a spark.

Last month, I’ve been to Shanghai for 6 days to witness the Factory Acceptance Test (FAT) for escalators. This query had been raised up and the supplier shows us on how the escalators cancelling the electrostatic charge.

Below is the video

The brush will touch the step plate and will discharge the electrostatic charge generated by moving step plate to ground. 

Therefore, all of us can feel safe when using escalator....enjoy😍